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School Day: 8:40 - 15:10

Diary Dates - This Week 

15/07 - Reception Graduation

16/07 - Reserve Sports Day

16/07 - Leger Sports Awards night

18/07 - Y6 leavers presentation and assembly

19/07 - School closes

2/09 - Staff Training day

03/09 - School Opens

Future Dates








If your child leaves school unsupervised, please ensure you complete this form.


If your child is due to start secondary school in 2024, please see attached letter.


 If your child is due to start Primary school in 2024, please see attached letter.








Kirk Smeaton Primary School’s PE Vision Statement:

“To become Fit for Life!”


At Kirk Smeaton primary School we believe that every child should have a healthy and positive attitude to mind and body. We welcomed the Government’s announcement in June 2013 to provide additional funding for to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for sporting competitions and experiences  for all our young people.

PE & Sport plays an important role in making our vision statement a reality for every pupil, with the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.


Sports Funding January 2024


Sport funding- January 2023

This year schools have received double the funding. 

Schools with over 17 pupils receive £16000, plus £10 per child for children in Reception- Y6 pupils.

Total no of primary aged pupils between the ages of 5-11 


Total amount of Sport Premium Grant received



What does the Sport Premium mean for my School?

‘Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this’ (DfE June 2013).

At Kirk Smeaton Primary School, we have split up the funding by the three key areas for consideration; Physical Education, Healthy Active Lifestyles and Competitive Sport. We have decided to spend the Sport Premium Grant on the following:


Action plan


Where we are now and the impact we have seen.  

Next steps

Raising standards of all our children in PE

  • We have increased the % of expected pupils in Y1 to under 20% in PE
  • We have a PE specialist who teaches and leads competitions each week.  This is inclusion to all children.  We have seen a marked improvement and gained 7 medals/trophies by July 22.
  • Support has provided class teacher to identify target pupils and plan for progression.
  • CPD has been provided by PE lead to share all current schemes and look at the areas of work for future.
  • We have increased the % pupils within greater depth to 30%. 
  • High ability children will be given further opportunity to excel. 
  • All staff are able to deliver high quality PE lessons.
  • CPD of gymnastics and dance- Val Sabin schemes
  • All children are engaged in high quality PE and this has had an effect on the number of pupils choosing to do clubs and out of school PE sessions.
  • All classes have 2 hours of PE a week.

Focus on the new children who start our school, ensure that their health and fitness is in line with National.  Focus programs in PE and for outdoor play.


Ensuring all our children have access to regular exercise

  • Pupils have access to a wider range of fitness equipment. We have tyre park, fitness park, turning, astro turf in EYFS and gymnastic bars.
  • Equipment is accessible to all abilities/disabilities.
  • All pupils have allocated hall time for 2 hours PE every week (1 skills session & 1 games taught by specialist PE teacher).
  • New equipment is updated for play times termly.
  • Pupils enjoy playground markings encouraging physical games and activity across break times and outdoor learning sessions.
  • Bikeability sessions each year for Y5/6.
  • Children enjoy fun sport-themed days throughout the year such as a multi-skills day, a dance workshop and be introduced to disabled sports.
  • Staff have had table tennis and tennis CPD and all resources have been purchased. 


Create no chair day/sessions to increase activity.

Organised bike days.


Increase pupil’ participation in extracurricular sports

  • We have at least six inter-school competitions every year for Y1-6 in dodgeball, football, athletics, tag rugby, basketball, netball, rounders and cricket. 
  • Children compete in sports day each year. 
  • Children compete in three other school-based competition yearly.
  • Children access cheerleading, dance, gymnastic, swimming competitions each year. 
  • MTP for games done by PE Lead to create opportunity for staff to teach (supported by PE teacher from Campsmount) towards pyramid and inter-school comps.
  • Transport is funded to enable pupils to attend competitions.
  • An increased number of teams entered and funded in each competition (where possible).
  • Competitions will be spread more evenly across the Key stages and year groups.
  • All children access the dance competition in Y1-6

A directory for parents and carers to access when they want to engage in other sports or for teachers to signpost parents when they see talent in an area of sport. 


Develop swimming so that all can swim by the end of Y6.

  • All children in KS2 will have the opportunity to swim twice within the key stage.
  • We have entered a swimming gala for competitive sports

Embed the new swimming rota for Y3-Y6. 

Supporting and promoting a positive outlook on life and learning.  Being competitive with a friendly manner.

  • We have forest school and gardening to promote positive mental health and mindfulness.
  • Sports and safety officers and the play leaders nominate children for good sports manners.
  • We have an allotment area that allows us to grow produce and learn about healthy eating, this supports the healthy body and healthy mind.
  • We teach the skills of being humble and a team member.
  • We achieved the GOLDEN Healthy Schools Award!
  • We have a range of after school providers who offer rugby, football, dance, cheerleading, forest schools and youth club.

Develop forest school, gardening and mindfulness inside and out.

Develop the after school provision, to incorporate food technology.